- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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ActivityTools for Dynamics 365 - Extended Features
This article outlines how you can activate extended features of ActivityTools. Steps described here can be necessary after installing ActivityTools from Microsoft AppSource or after an update to a newer version of AT.

mscrm-addons for Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Version Number Guide
This article outlines where to find the version number for each mscrm-addons product.

How to integrate SharePoint with CRM and MS Dynamics 365
This article outlines how to integrate SharePoint with CRM. It is valid for CRM 2013 and higher.

Recap: eXtreme365 in Lisbon
There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t met yet. - William Butler Yeats

How to enable debugging for ActivityTools in MS Dynamics 365?
This blog article outlines how to activate debugging for ActivityTools. Please note: The included information refers to Microsoft Dynamics 365 only!

Default Sort Order for ActivityTools
When set up by default configuration, ActivityTools sorts activities by a specific order. This article outlines how this default order works.

Where do I find the Unique Organization name in Microsoft Dynamics 365?
When ordering licenses, you will be asked for the organisation unit name of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) system. This information is mandatory in order to create a license. Below, you will find a short description on how to get the necessary information for MS Dynamics 365.

How to avoid the browser security-check for *.url files in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)
This article outlines how to avoid the browser security-check for *.url files in MS Dyn CRM. Requirements: ActivityToolsPluginExtension Solution (learn more about the solution and how to install it here)

How do I edit eMails quick & easy in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)?
This article outlines how to use the free MSCRM-ADDONS WYSIWYG-Editor in order to edit eMails quick and easy in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM). Requirements: ActivityToolsPluginExtension Solution (learn more about the solution and how to install it here)

How do I add notes & attachments via drag & drop to Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM)?
This article outlines how to use the free MSCRM-ADDONS feature which allows you to add notes & attachments via drag & drop to Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM).