- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Recap: Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2019

The Microsoft Applications Summit event in Atlanta exceeded all our expectations. To begin with, we would like to thank you for giving us your precious time and attention! It was a great pleasure meeting you at our booth!

This event focused on the development of business applications and the important concept of enterprise digital transformation. A successful business enterprise in 2019 must transform itself from old analog and on-premise technologies to digital and cloud-based technologies. This summit explained how to accomplish that task. Every session and workshop was filled with demos, hints and hacks to help you ramp up your skills and transform your business. There were plenty of learning opportunties featuring a range of tools and topics for all levels of expertise. Visionary leaders presented exclusive looks at the latest trends and product roadmaps. 

It was the perfect place for Dynamics 365, Power BI, Excel, PowerApps and Flow users to connect, collaborate and pack in as much learning as possible. ​Our team was overwhelmed by the big interest in our products and booth! All our team members enjoyed presenting the visitors how our addons can simplify the daily business.

All in all, the event was a complete success for partners and customers. Being part of this event was a great and really very special experience! Thank you again for your interest in our products. We really enjoyed being part of this great Microsoft Event! We also want to thank the organizers of that outstanding event for their commitment! We hope to see you again at the Microsoft Business Summit 2020, April 20-21 in Anaheim, CA

Fix for wait condition stuck issue

When using DocumentsCorePack with workflows it is sometimes necessary to wait for some reasons. This blog article describes how to avoid this issue. 

For example: If you want to create a new document, you have to wait until a document has been created. When DocumentsCorePack has processed an AutoMergeWorkingItem, it sets the status to inactive.

To delay the workflow wait conditions inside, workflows have been set up to wait for this change. So the following steps could already work with the document and send it to DocuSign for example. Unfortunately recently it occurred more often that those wait conditions can cause the system job to get stuck at that point. 

One solution to continue those system jobs is to change the status of the AutoMergeWorkingItem to active and back to inactive. To avoid this issue in the beginning you can also change the wait condition (see figure 1 highlighted in yellow).

DocumentsCorePack service is setting the ReturnValue after completing the AutoMergeWorkingItem to the name of the server where it is running. So instead of checking for the state inactive, please check if the ReturnValue starts with [servername of the service].

If you are using DocumentsCorePack online service, the server name you have to check is “AUTOMERGE”. For On-Premise services please use the server name where the DocumentsCorePack service is configured.

Example for DocumentsCorePack online:


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What to do if no toolbar is visible in Office 2016

This blog article outlines what to do if no toolbar is visible in Microsoft Word. After WordMailMerge has been installed on your computer, it is possible that our toolbar does not appear in Microsoft Word. To sort this problem out, please follow the steps of this article. 

Please note: Although the below example displays Word 2016 only, the steps are similar for all other Word versions. 

First, you have to open the Word Options (File > Options) . Then, please click on the ❶ Add-ins-tab. The so opened window gives you an overview of all active add-ins and all inactive add-ins. Please select the  Disabled Items from the drop-down menu and hit the  [Go...]-button. 



​In the window below, you would find the disabled items, if there were any. 


Likewise in theAdd-ins-window,  please select the ❷ COM Add-ins from the drop-down menu and hit the [Go...]-button. 


In the so opened window, please enable the DocumentsCorePack for Dynamics 365-checkbox. 



When you start Microsoft Office Word 2016 the next time, the toolbar will be available  in the ribbon as you can see in the figure below. 



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How to improve the quality of pictures in DCP Templates by using picture options

Should you face problems with the quality of Pictures in DCP, please try the following settings:

In the ❶ “Advanced Template Settings” navigate to the ❷ “General” tab and activate the ❸ “Do not compress inserted images” option.


If you insert a picture from a note, there are further options to specify:
❹ If the image shall be scaled to fit to the container on the template


 If the template should be scaled to fit the image from the note.

These can be found under “Field Properties” after clicking on the image in Word.



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Per User Licensing limitations

For most of our products we do allow to either license all active users or only the subset of users that requires to use our solutions. This comes with certain limitations in functionality where usage of our Addon cannot be related back to a specific user.

​This blog article explains the limitations and considerations you need to be aware of when purchasing a "per User" license. 


  • Workflow capabilities disabled: This means that document automation inside Worfklows is not possible.

ActivityTools, SmartBar, PowerSearch: (Elements embedded into Entity - forms)

  • Form Element shows "no license" message: Users without a license will see a "license error" message instead of our AddOn. As this can take a severe amount of space on your form we do recommend to create separate forms for users with/without a license for our solutions.

More information about how to activate per User Licensing in Dynamics 365 can be found in this blog article.

Application Permissions – Why we need them

This article outlines why DocumentsCorePack need Application Permissions.

If you're creating a service and you have to choose the connection profile, there are several options.
If you use the Server2Server-connection, you need to activate the following:


1.) Access to common data service

This means, that we can read the CRM data in your name
(so we can ensure, that user specific settings are applied to the data retrieved, like number & datetime


2.) Read and Write your files &
      Read and write items in all site collections &
      Read and write items and lists in all site collections

These are the SharePoint security requirements to be able to fully use the Dynamics SharePoint integration.
When DCP is linked with Dynamics SharePoint Integration, DCP will create lists, folders & files in the
SharePoint location as Dynamics would create them.


3.) Sign in and read user profile

This is required to login as the user in dynamics and also for some of our licensing options. 



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How licenses are counted

This blog article outlines how licenses are counted in our system. The counting mechanism varies depending on the type of license being used. We differentiate here between two types of licenses – the Normal licenses and the TeamMember licenses. Below  are the two different license types and a description of how the count works for each. You will also find a description on where to find information about your counted licenses. 

Normal licenses 
For the required licenses, all users that are activated and have as Access Mode “Read-Write” in Dynamics 365, are counted.  Users with “Administrative” as Access Mode are not counted.

There is the possibility to count only users with a security role for licensing. Important: We are counting user licensing assigned to the user directly or via team membership. To activate this feature the only thing you need to do is to create a new settingsKey for AutoMerge called “CountUsersWithSecurityRolesOnly” with value “true” as you can see in the figure below. More information about how to create  settingsKeys can be found here.


Additionally, there are users who have app access security roles as you can see highlighted in the figure below. App access security roles are predefined roles by Microsoft and are automatically assigned to users.  These security roles will not be counted by DCP until you modify them.


TeamMember licenses
 If you have TeamMember licenses, please notice that these are counted different. TeamMember are assigned to specific license groups in Azure Active Directory and only two types are counted – the “DYN365_ENTERPRISE_TEAM_MEMBERS" and the "DYN365_TEAM_MEMBERS".

Find more information on how to activate TeamMember licenses here.


Where to find information about counted licenses?
Sometimes it may be unclear how we count the amount of relevant Dynamics 365 users for licensing.  In order to show which Dynamics 365 users are counted, we have included the "User Count Info" overview.  It can be accessed via the Web License Manager (Dynamics 365 > Settings > MSCRM-ADDONS area > DocumnetsCorePack (or any other addon). 

In the configuration window, please navigate to the  Licensing server-tab. Here you can see the number of site licenses - in this case  22 users. For detailed information please hit the  [User Count info]-button at the bottom (required “ General” solution version 2017.53 or 2018.53)


​For DocumentsCorePack Online services you can access via the Service Configuration as well. Click on the [View & Install license]-button and navigate to Users as you can see in the figure below. No matter which way you choose this will open the User count info overview. 


In the so openend window, you can see four sections: 

  • Summary: Displays basic information as you can see in the figure above
  • Full licenses Users: Provides you with a list of all users which require a full license
  • Licensing Relevant Roles: If a user has assigned such a security role, he is counted for licensing
  • Licensing Unrelevant Roles: These are automatically assigned app access roles. If a user has these roles assigned only, he is not counted for licensing


Open the Full licenses Users by hitting the plus symbol on the left side. Here you can use the search box to look for specific users by their “User Name”. Hit on “Click to see the Roles”  on the right side in order to see the relevant roles assigned to that user. “(User)” means the role is directly assigned, “(Team)” means the role is assigned to a team that user is a member of.


Via the Web License Manager,  you also have the possibility to download the whole overview by hitting the [Download]-button at the bottom (e.g. to send it to our support). 


That's it!
 We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to




Template Versioning (Dynamics 365)

Template Versioning  saves a backup of each template instead of simply overwriting it.
This feature requires at least version 9.25 of the client and version 2017.184 of the server or service. This functionality is disable by default. If you want to enable the versioning functionality you have to create a new settings key for DocumentsCorePack manually, like described here, with the following name and value:
Name: EnableTemplateVersioning
Value: true

If the setting as described above is enable you will see an additional button (1) int the menu bar. When you select a template and use this button 

    Figure 1: Recover button

After using the "Recover Template" button a new window will appear with all available versions. The "Created On" column should be used identify the version that you want to recover. The versions are sorted from top to bottom from new to old. 

    Figure 2: Recover Dialog

Tipp: Use the standard properties for keywords, subject, etc. to store additional information about the performed changes in your templates. 

Within this dialog you can select a preview version (1) and recover this version by using the "Recover" button. 

    Figure 3: Select und Recover

After you have chosen to recover a specific file the said file will be opened in Word. 
The opened file will have the current document name and a current time stamp as name. Nothing was change

    Figure 4: Recovered template

From this point on it is up to you how to proceed with this  recovered file. Nothing has changed yet in the live template. If you want to go ahead and make the recovered template your new live template you have to overwrite the existing template with this recovered template. 

- Template versions are not  imported or exported with the DocumentsCorePack import/export functionality. Only the latest live version will be exported. 
- The limit of versions is set to 25 by default. To decrease or increase this limit you can set a settingskey manually with the name "TemplateVersioninglimit", and the amount of records as value. When setting its value to "0" the limit is disabled and unlimited copies will be stored (not recommended!).

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Related content:
Template Preview (Dynamics 365)
DocumentsCorePack Template Designer - New Features

Template Preview (Dynamics 365)

The Template Preview functionality of the DocumentsCorePack Template Designer allows you to see a thumbnail of your templates when opening or saving them.
This new feature requires at least version 9.25 of the template designer and version 2017.184 of the server or service. 
The preview section (1) is embedded at the right hand side of the open or save Template Dialog 

    Figure 1: Preview Section

You can enable or disable the preview you using the magnifier icon in the control menu bar (1).
By using the "View Detailed Image" (2) you can enlarge the thumbnail to its full size. Additional scrollbars will allow you to view the enlarged image.

    Figure 2: Preview Controls

There are only preview images available for templates that are saved since the new required version was installed. Any old templates will not have a preview yet. 
If you completely want to remove this functionality please set the following settings key for DocumentsCorePack manually, like described here, with the below key name and value.
Name: DisableTemplatePreviewImageUpload
Value: true

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Related content:
Template Versioning (Dynamics 365)
DocumentsCorePack Template Designer - New Features

Troubleshooting for Load Balancing - On-Premise

This blog article outlines how to proceed if you have an issue with your Load Balancing service for DocumentsCorePack On-Premise. 

1) Take screenshots of the first three tabs of the configuration of ​ALL your services that are affected by the Load Balancing issue(highlighted in yellow in the figure below):
- General-tab
- Dynamics 365 Connection Setup-tab
- License-tab ​


2) Export the AutoMergeWorkingItem entity with all fields as CSV file 


3) Export EventLog: Applications and Services Logs - folder


Please send all the files  and a short description on which steps were taken to

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to