- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Hello and welcome to our blog! What can we do for you? Are you looking for further technical information or step-by-step instructions to our products? Or would you like to read the latest news on mscrm-addons? Please feel free to browse our blog for detailed information and to share our posts!

How to remove dependencies when you delete a solution manually in CRM

When you try to delete a solution, it will show you an error message if there are any dependencies.

To solve this issue, please follow the steps below.

How to upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016

This article provides step-by-step instructions regarding to the upgrade of our addons to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016.

Our addons provide a wide range of helpful features! But before you will be able to enjoy the various benefits of or addons for MS CRM 2016 there is some work (at least let us call it like that) waiting for you:

The upgrade.

PhoneCall from/to fields are not populated

When you open a new PhoneCall activity (without the always store option), the TelephoneIntegration (TI) Client automatically fills the from and to field with the actual sender and the recipient. The functionality is provided with the TelephoneIntegrationServerCore2013.16 solution.

If it does not work, you must check the checkSender function.

How to synchronize TelephoneIntegration history with actual phonecalls


This article explains the steps required to synchronize the actual call duration as recorded in the TelephoneIntegration history with actual phone calls in CRM.

Addon: TelephoneIntegration for MS CRM 2013, 2015


This will only work for phonecalls, that are created with the always store-option enabled in the CTI clients options.

Error message: missing prvReadptm_ticallinfodata privilege

Error message:

Principal user (Id=56f329cd-2a1f-e511-8118-c4346bad624c, type=8) is missing prvReadptm_ticallinfodata privilege (Id=f83d0785-3924-421b-ad25-9ee898c13b7d) 

Service-based printing in DocumentsCorePack

DCP Server offers a service-based printing option which is additionally available to the already known plugin-based printing option. This additional option is based on a service which is running in the background.

DCP ServerBased printing feature provides the possiblitiy to create and manage printer configurations for starting:

  • local print jobs via DCP Server Local Printer Configuration (supported format: .pdf)
  • global print jobs online via Google CloudPrint Configuration (supported formats: .docx, .pdf, .html. .jpg, .bmp)

Requirements: DocumentsCorePack ServerBased for MS Dynamics CRM v5.30 and higher

How to get the right TAPI driver

The TAPI driver is a component beyond our control, as it is provided by the phone vendor and, similar to a device driver, the TAPI driver connects a physical phone device with a windows operating system.

How to change the CRM connection credentials for active users

In oder to change the CRM connection credentials for active CRM users for DocumentsCorePack Client and/or TelephoneIntegration Client for MS CRM, please follow the below steps. 

ActivityTools: Upgrade to version 2015.115 or higher

Existing ActivityTools customers will need to follow the upgrade-path mentioned below in order to upgrade an existing ActivityTools installation to the latest version (2015.115 or higher).

Please follow the steps carefully to avoid complications. 

How to enable debugging for AttachmentExtractor


Please note: this article applies to

CRM 2011, CRM 2013 and CRM 2015/2016


This article provides you with a step-by-step instruction on how to enable debugging
for AttachmentExtractor in CRM 2011, 2013 and 2015/2016.