- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Hello and welcome to our blog! What can we do for you? Are you looking for further technical information or step-by-step instructions to our products? Or would you like to read the latest news on mscrm-addons? Please feel free to browse our blog for detailed information and to share our posts!

How to upgrade to MS CRM 2015

This article provides a step-by-step upgrade path of our solutions to the new MS CRM 2015 release!

How to set partial document editing restriction in templates

This blog article outlines how to use the MS Word Restrict Editing-functionality. It supports restricted editing for the whole document, as well as editing specific paragraphs of the document only. Please note: The functionality works with merged documents as well.


Requirements: DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM

How to add GroupCalendar to a specific ribbon location?

This blog article explains how to add GroupCalendar to a specific ribbon location with XRM Tools.

Requirements: GroupCalendar for MS CRM

Certificate Changes in an IFD environment

This blog article explains what to do if one of the certificates has changed in the IFD environment. If so, our products require additional steps in order to work again.

How to add the [Create Document]-button manually

This article outlines how to add the DocumentsCorePack (DCP) [Create Document]-button for MS CRM 2011 to your form. 

Requirements: DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011, Ribbon Workbench for CRM 2011

How to use a default web browser instead of Internet Explorer in TelephoneIntegration Client

This short blog article explains how to use the TelephoneIntegration (TI) Client for Microsoft Dynamics CRM with a default web browser instead of Internet Explorer (IE).

How to upgrade DocumentsCorePack from MS CRM 4 to 2011 or 2013

This article outlines how to prepare DocumentsCorePack (DCP) for MS CRM 4 for an upgrade to CRM 2011 or CRM 2013!

Requirments: DocumentsCorePack 

Field formatting options

This article outlines different options to format fields inside a DocumentsCorePack or AutoMerge template. e.g.: Formatting date fields, format money-fields etc.

Requirements: DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011 and 2013, AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized

This article outlines what to do if you get the following failure notice: Request failed wiht HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. 

Requirments: WordMailMerge

.dot Templates including line items

This article outlines how to to deal with line items in a Word-Template.

Requirements: DocumentsCorePack