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How to create SharePoint locations, folders and subfolders automatically in DCP SB Online?

This blog article outlines how to create SharePoint locations, folders and subfolders automatically within MS Dynamics CRM with our DocumentsCorePack ServerBased Add-On.

The solution is our AutoMergeWorkingItem which can be triggered automatically when creating a new workflow in a process. 

Requriement: DocumentsCorePack ServerBased (DCP SB) Online

For further information how to do this in DCP OnPremise, please click here.


Standard SharePoint location in CRM:

Figure 1: Standard CRM SharePoint window

Created SharePoint location:

Figure 2: Created SharePoint location

How to manually save SharePoint locations, folder(s) and subfolder(s) in CRM when creating an account

Generally, when creating a new account in MS CRM, all appropriate documents (e.g. quotes, invoices etc.) are saved in the entity Documents in MS CRM.
As you can see in Figure 3, the CRM Save location Documents can be accessed via the drop-down-button next to the current company in the main navigation area at the top.
It could as well be accessed using our addon SmartBar, which enables a simple navigation between all related CRM records and entities. 

Figure 3: Save location of documents in MS Dynamics CRM

Anyway, to create a new Account in CRM, navigate to Accounts, then click on the [New]-button. 


Figure 4: Create a new account in MS CRM.

When you click on Documents (see Figure 3), the following message box appears. The box indicates, that a SharePoint location will be created manually with a click on the [OK]-button.

Figure 5: Message from webpage 

The standard SharePoint location-window is empty and does not contain any folder(s) or subfolder(s).

Figure 6: Entity Documents, once an account has been created.

Once documents have been saved, its look changes. 

Figure 7: Entity Documents with saved content

How to create a workflow that automatically generates SharePoint locations, folder(s) and subfolder(s) when creating an account

It is possible to create different subfolders in folders that contain certain documents (e.g. Quotes, Invoices …)

This can be managed with a simple workflow.

In our example we define

1) the SharePoint location,
2) the folder(s) and
3) the subfolder(s)
will be automatically triggered when creating a new account. 

First of all, open your CRM and navigate to Settings and Processes.

Figure 8: CRM > Settings > Processes

Now create a new process with a click on the [New]-button.

Figure 9: Create a new process

In the next window, define the following settings:

- Process Name: (here: CreateSharePointFolder
- Activate As: Process
- Entity: (here: Account)     
- Category: Worfklow

Once this is done, click on the [Add Step]-button and select Create Record

Figure 10: Add a new step (Create record)

Now name the step (here: CreateFolder) and open the Drop-down menu within this first step: 

Figure 11: Name the new step

There, select AutoMergeWorkingItems

Figure 12: AutoMergeWorkingItems

Next, click on the [Set Properties]-button.

Figure 13: Set properties for the new step

In the now following window, type in a name and define the AutoMergeWorkingItem-action (here, CreateSharePointFolder) It is also important to insert the PrimaryRecordUrl. To do so, set the cursor into the PrimaryRecordUrl-field and go to the Look for: -area within the form assistant on the right side. There, select Records URL(Dynamics) form the second drop-down menu. Click on the [Add]-button and on the [OK]-button in order to proceed. 

Figure 14: Create AutoMergeWorkingItems

Next scroll down to the Create SharePoint Folder-section (see next screenshot, click to enlarge)

Figure 15: Create SharePointFolder-section

There, you can define the SharePoint location, folder(s) and subfolder(s). 

For example: TEST/subfolder 1;TEST/subfolder 2;TEST1/subfolder 1

Figure 16: Example SharePoint subfolder added

Figure 17: Structure of TEST/subfolder 1;TEST/subfolder 2;TEST1/subfolder 1

Figure 17 outlines, that a slash indicates that the subfolder remains in a mainfolder. Furthermore, it outlines that a semicolon indicates the creation of a new main folder.
Please note: the folder and/or subfolder name can contain blank space but you must not use a blank space between a folder and its subfoler(s) 

Once you have set up your order structure, please click on the [Save and Close]-button. 

Now click on the [Activate]-button in order to activate your workflow:

Figure 18: Activate workflow

Then click once again on the [Activate]-button in order to confirm the process:

Figure 19: Confirm the process

Now, your workflow is activated.

Figure 20: Activated workflow

Please note: it can take some minutes until the workflow has been entirely finished!

When you now create a new account and then navigate to the SharePoint document location, it should look similar to the example in Figure 21. 

Figure 21: Example - SharePoint document location based on workflow 

When opening the TEST-folder, the subfolders look as shown in Figure 22 and Figure 23.

Figure 22: Subfolder I

Figure 23: Subfolder II

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

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