

This Webinar section is deprecated since June 2022. The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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'Advanced Email/Notes' for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Bookmark

Thanks to our new feature 'Advanced Email/Notes', the handling of email and note attachments in Microsoft Dynamics 365 can be dramatically simplified.

Introducing the AttachmentExtractor Online Service Configuration Bookmark

AttachmentExtractor is now available as Online Service Configuration. This means, that everyone can deploy an AttachmentExtractor service online in up to 20 minutes!

5 things to know about Microsoft Dynamics 365 & AppSource Bookmark

Do you already know all the benefits you gain from that well-thought cloud-solution? If not, join our webinar and be surprised what's possible with Dynamics 365 & AppSource!

"AttachmentExtractor for Dynamics CRM 2016: Save valuable time, data storage and money!" - 7th April 2016 Bookmark

Replicate and/or extract attachments to secure SharePoint locations or fileshares and retrieve documents easily from SharePoint - wherever you are!