- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Hello and welcome to our blog! What can we do for you? Are you looking for further technical information or step-by-step instructions to our products? Or would you like to read the latest news on mscrm-addons? Please feel free to browse our blog for detailed information and to share our posts!

How to set partial document editing restriction in templates

This blog article outlines how to use the MS Word Restrict Editing-functionality. It supports restricted editing for the whole document, as well as editing specific paragraphs of the document only. Please note: The functionality works with merged documents as well.


Requirements: DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM

How to upgrade DocumentsCorePack from MS CRM 4 to 2011 or 2013

This article outlines how to prepare DocumentsCorePack (DCP) for MS CRM 4 for an upgrade to CRM 2011 or CRM 2013!

Requirments: DocumentsCorePack 

How to enable debugging for the DCP UploadFile SharePoint webservice

1. Open the IIS on the SharePoint server and navigate to the SharePoint Site where DocumentsCorePack (DCP) is configured and the UploadFile.asmx WebService is installed. Select the IIS Website and click on Explore as marked in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Click on explore

Insecure content warning in IE when using FileExplorer with IFD

If you have configured your CRM for IFD and also have enabled our FileExplorer Integration, Internet Explorer (IE) will either not load the FileExplorer or show a message about insecure content.

Figure 1: FileExplorer not visible

Figure 2: Internet Explorer shows insecure content warning

If you run into this problem, please follow the steps below to resolve this issue.

If/else-conditions in *.docx templates

It is often required to place conditional fields within a template like e.g. only print address lines when stored in the regarding CRM-record.

Repair WScript.Shell ActiveX

In some rare cases the WScript.Shell ActiveX component is not correctly registered. This causes, that the DocumentsCorePack Print in Word and TelephoneIntegration Call Number buttons are not working properly. To resolve the issue open a command prompt and enter regsvr32.exe wshom.ocx

That’s it! 

Barring DocumentsCorePack Toolbar for non-DCP users

If you want to hide or block the toolbar in MS Word for non-DCP users on a terminalserver, please check the following steps:

1. You will have to create the following Reg key under current user instead of local machine:

    (for example: HKCU\software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\Wordmailmerge.connect)

3. Once you have created the reg key you can change the load behaviour for each user. Change it to

WordMailMerge Add-on Error


Figure 1: Security Issue: WordMailmErge Add-On Error

DocumentsCorePack IFD configuration

When using DocumentsCorePack (DCP) in different environments (office, home, etc.) it is necessary to configure 2 profiles for the client.

One for the IFD connection and one for the standard connection.
These profiles are configured via the DCP dataprovider on the client.

Please open the registry and add the the following string value to
Hkey_Current_User\Software\PTM EDV-Systeme\WordMailMergeClient.

String value= failoverprofile

Error message: 1327.Invalid Drive: Z:\ during Installation
  1. Verify that the values under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders use valid drive letters.
  2. If there are invalid drive letters, change them to point to valid drives. 
  3. Try to install the software and check if that helps.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to