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TI client interprets outgoing calls as incoming calls
When dialling out with TI Client, an outgoing call may be interpreted as an incoming call. This happens, if the the installed TAPI driver does not deliver the DialTone event.
If the TAPI driver delivers the DialTone event, the driver interprets the call as an outgoing call. Otherwise, the driver interprets the call as an incoming call. In order to avoid the latter case, you have to set a new CRM settingskey for TelephoneIntegration.
To do so, please follow this steps below: 
1. Open your CRM in the Internet Explorer
2. Navigate to the CRM Settings

Figure 1: CRM Settings in the CRM sitemap
3. Select Products from the Extensions in the menu on the left.
Figure 2: products in the CRM Settings
4. Check the checkbox in front of TelephoneIntegration (1) and then click on the [Edit]-button (2).
Figure 3: Edit TelephoneIntegration in the CRM Settings
5. A new CRM window opens. Within this window, click on Settingskeys (1) within the Common-area and then click on the [Add New Settingskeys]-button (2).
Figure 4: View and add settingskeys for TelephoneIntegration in the CRM settings
6. A new window will open. Within this window, insert the following name and KeyValue. Furthermore, set IsCached on Yes.

Figure 5: Add new settingskey for TelephoneIntegration in the CRM settings
Now save the added key, restart the TelephonIntegration Client and make an outgoing call.
If the outgoing call is still interpreted as an incoming call, change the name of the settingskey from useDialingEvent to NoDialToneDetected. Save the changes, restart the TelephoneIntegration Client and retry an outgoing call.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

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