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How to add NavBar entries manually

On some occasions, unmanaged customizations to forms might prevent the setup to correctly configure the navbar section of entities.

You would see an error similar to this one, telling about a transition of an unmanaged solution being impossible. 

Figure 1: Error message (unmanaged solution)

The first step to solve this issue is to identify the causing entity.

You need to find the errortext highlighted in purple in the XML tree.

Figure 2: XML tree with errortext

Follow the tree up till you find the formXML node.
The localized name will tell you which entity is failing.
You need to uncheck this entity from all locations in the configuration.
You can process all other entities as normal.

How to add the NavBar entry manually

Please note: You need to be an administrator to be able to complete the following steps. 

1) Open up any record of the entity you want to customize (Account for this example) and open the form designer. 

Figure 3: Open entity and the form designer


2) Enable the NavBar editing...

Figure 4: Click on the [Navigation]-button


3) ...and insert a new item

Figure 5: Insert new item


4) On the following dialog enter a name (i.e. EmailPreview or ActivityPreview) and select the ptm_Icon16x16 webresource for the icon

Figure 6: Select ptm webresource


5) Select the ptm_webApplicationPreloaderActivityPreview to add the ActivityPreview functionality or select the  ptm_webApplicationPreloaderEmailPreview to add the EmailPreview.

If you want to enable both, you need to repeat the same steps for each item. 

Figure 7: Add the ptm_webpplicationPreloaderEmailPreview

6) Close all forms, and do not forget to save & publish the changes! (Or the changes will not show).

Figure 8: Save and publish changes

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

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