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How to insert an entity image

This article outlines how to add images, product photos, company logos etc. to MS Dynamics CRM 2011/2013/2015. In our example we add an image to a CRM contact and later on, we add an image to a template.

Requirements: DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011/2013/2015

How to add an image to a CRM contact 

Figure 1: CRM contact with picture.

The added pictures can also be used to create templates with DocumentsCorePack Client to create e.g. a list with full name and picture:

Figure 2: CRM contact list with pictures

Please Note: CRM limits the size of uploaded images to 144x144 pixels. This means the resultion of the inserted image may not be as expected and does not have the same quality as the original uploaded document.

Step-by-step description

1) Open the CRM-contact you want to add the picture to. You can see the MS CRM placeholder image (highlighted in yellow), next to the contact name.
Please note: Images can only be added to the left corner of a form. You can only add one image on the form at a time. For example, if you want to add product pictures, you can only add one picture per form. 

Figure 3: Random contact in CRM.

Figure 4: Different views for the entity Contact.

2) The following window opens, as soon as you click on the placeholder image. 

Figure 5: Placeholder image

3) Browse an image to be inserted to the contact. Click on the [Open]-button to upload the required picture. 

Figure 6: Select picture to be uploaded

4) In the following window, click on the [OK]-button in order to confirm the picture.

Figure 7: Confirm the picture

5) The image has been added to your contact. 

Figure 8: Picture added to contact

Please note: The image size is limited to 144 x 144 pixels. If you upload an image larger than the standard allowed in CRM 2013, it will be automatically scaled.


How to add an image to a template

Requirements: DocumentsCorePack Client addon 

1) Open MS Word click on the, then on the [Insert MailMerge fields]-button and answer the following question with a click on the [Yes]-button.

Figure 9: Open new template in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

Please note: Up to MS Dynamics CRM 2013, the DocumentsCorePack Task Pane appears. When you open a template in CRM 2015, the DocumentsCorePack Template Designer opens. 

The DocumentsCorePack TaskPane/TemplateDesigner appears. Select the entity for which you want to generate the template for in the TaskPane (see figure 10) or in the TemplateDesigner (see figure 11) (here: Account).

Because we want to generate a list with all contacts from the account, we switch to the Additional-tab and select All Contacts

Figure 10: TaskPane in CRM 2013

Figure 11: Template Designer in CRM 2015

Select a field (here: Full Name) and click on the [Insert]-button in the Task Pane. Click on the [Insert field]-button in the Template Designer. In both CRM versions, he Insert new table-window appears. There, you can modify the table.
In our example, we want to create a table with two columns. (For additional table formatting options, please read our blog article). 

Figure 12: Insert new table

In the first row we insert the Full Name-field with a double click. Next, we want to insert the images we have added before. To do so, click on the Entity Image-field (CRM 2013)/ Default Image-field (CRM 2015) and click on the [Insert]-button-drop down menu or the [Insert field]-button drop down menu. Select the Insert as picture field-option. 

(Please find further information about the [Insert]-button here. For further information on the [Insert fields]-button, click here.)

Figure 13: Insert as picture field option

The placeholder picture appears. You can edit the picture now. 

Figure 14: placeholder 

Now save your template with a click on the [Save Template]-button and test it. If you have not tested a template yet, please read this article first. 


However, the result you get is a list with the full names and images of all contacts saved in this account.

Figure 15: Result

Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you require further information or our assistance.

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