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How to create custom translations for DocumentsCorePack ServerBased dialog

This blog article outlines how to create custom translations for DocumentsCorePack ServerBased (DCP SB) dialog. Per default English and the user language is available.

Requriements: DocumentsCorePack ServerBased for MS CRM 2013 (former AutoMerge), basic .xml knowledge and the AutoMergeGlobalButton Solution v2013.42 or higher 

How to create the language for DocumentsCorePack ServerBased dialog?

Per default, English or the user language is set as standard language for DCP SB dialog. 

1. In order to create a new language for DCP SB a new webresource must be added. Therefore go to (and open) the Customize the System-field in the CRM Settings

Figure 1: Settings > Customizations > Customize the System 

2. In the following window, double-click on webresources in the tree view on the left and search for the unique name ptm_dcp_dialoglanguage.xml (display name DCP Dialog Loacalization). 

Figure 2: Web Resources

Open the webresource with a double-click and access the the data with a click on the [Text Editor]-button. 

Figure 3:DCP dialog localization webresource

Now the following window appears:

Figure 4: Edit Content-dialog

3. Next, copy the whole webresource content into e.g. Notepad++, duplicate a full translation node and insert the existing default one. (Per default, the languages English and German are set.)

Figure 5: Full translation node inserted at the end of the already existing one.

4. Now please change the LCID code as well as the text to the required langauge. Click here to get an overview on the languages with an assigned Locale ID (LCID) e.g. 1040 for Italian

Please note: Squared brackets and its content must not be changed! 

Figure 6: LCID code and changes made in the xml-file.

Next, please add a new webresource. To do so, click on the [New]-button in the Web Resource-window. 

Figure 7: Add a new web resource

In the New Web Resource-window add the required information by typing in:

- Name* new_New_Language_Italian 
- Display Name LanguageItalian 
- Type Data (XML)

Figure 8: New Web Resource settings

Now click on the [Text Editor]-button. In the new window, please insert the full language xml.-file you have edited before. (Two default languages xml Englisch and German plus the newly added language - here: Italian

Figure 9: Inserted languge-xml-file.

Click on the [OK]-button in order to continue. 

Next, click on the [SAVE]-button and on the [PUBLISH]-button in order to publish the newly web-resource. 

Figure 10: Save and publish your customization

Please save the unique name for further purposes. (here: new_New_Language_Italian) We will need it later. 

6. Open CRM and create a new Settingskey for AutoMerge. To do so, please take a look at the following blog article: How to create a SettingsKey manually in MS Dynamics CRM 2013. 

Please define the settingskey values as follows

Name* CustomLanguageFileWebResourceName
IsCached*: Yes
KeyValue: new_New_Language_Italian

Do not forget to save and close the settingskey, once it is created! 

As a result, the newly added settingskey is visible in the product overview:

Figure 11: Newly added settingskey for AutoMerge.

7. Now all you have to do is to activate the language for CRM use. To do so, navigate to  CRM, navigate to Languages

Figure 12: Settings > Administration > Languages

Check the checkbox in front of the newly added language. (here: Italian). Click on the [Apply]-button in order to continue.

Figure 13: Language settings 

Refresh the page and activate the required language (here: Italian) in the CRM options. 

Figure 14: CRM options

In the Personal Options-section, click on the Language-tab and select the language to be set as user interface language. 

Figure 15: CRM Personal Options 

Click on the [OK]-button in order to finish your settings.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

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