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How to add GroupCalendar to the Sitemap

This article outlines how to add your GroupCalendar to the Sitemap.

Per default GroupCalendar tries to add the application to the "Sales" area.
If you do not have this Area, you can add the GroupCalendar manually, here is how to do that:



Navigate to: CRM > Settings > Customizations >  Customize the System

Click on it and a new Window opens. Navigate further to Client Extensions > Site Map



Do a double click on it and the sitemap designer opens.




Select a Area (in grey row with arrow) and a Group (Column) where you want to add the GroupCalendar.

Mark the last entry (e.g. Powersearch).

Please note:
If there is no entry marked, you can not go to the next step!!



In the windows left side (corner on top) you can find the [Add]-Button.

Select "Subarea" in the Menue and a new entry next to PowerSearch appears.




Mark "New Subarea" and press the pencil to edit. Now the right side of the window changes.


Please enter the following parameters:


Type = Web Ressource 

URL  = ptm_WebApplicationPreloaderGroupCalendar

Title = GroupCalendar

Icon = ptm_Icon32x32_White.png


3. Save and publish your new SiteMap


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