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How to change language settings

Location of the Language Settings on the Client & Server

The name of the Language XML File is: .XML

For a list of two letter iso codes see, Column A2

The language files are usually located in the sub folder localization of the products installation folder, typically under

C:\Program Files\PTM EDV Systeme GmbH\[ProductName] for MS CRM 4.0\Localization

or in the subfolder App_Data, similar to  

C:\Program Files\PTM EDV Systeme GmbH\[ProductName] for MS CRM 4.0\App_Data\Localization

The language file for the english UI is for example en.xml

CLIENT ONLY: Each client can have its own language files. Modifying the UI language

The user language is retrieved from CRMs UserSettings and compared to the available language files .

If a matching language file is found, the contents will be used to localize the application.

If no language file is found, the default language as defined during the setup is applied.

To change the default language change the registry setting Language.

To modify this setting, follow this procedure:

1. Press START – RUN

2. Type regedit and click on the [OK]-button

3. Locate the registry key

3a. CLIENT: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PTM EDV-Systeme\[ProductName]client

3b. SERVER: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PTM EDV-Systeme\[ProductName]server

4. Change the value of the language setting to another language

5. Close the registry editor


If the default language cannot be identified, the system switches to english.

In order to create another language file than the provided language files, you need to create a copy of the en.Xml language file and rename it to the desired two letter ISO language code setting.

For example, to create a Dutch language file, copy en.xml, rename the copied file to nl.xml and then translate the strings in the file.

Afterwards, restart the client or close all your Internet Explorer windows and the new language will be applied automatically (as defined in your CRM user settings).

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