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AutoMerge Workflow Troubleshooting

This blog article explains what to do when generating an AutoMerge Workflow and following error message appears: 

"AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(),RetrieveMultiple Entities.count:0”

AutoMerge Workflow Error:

Plugin Trace:
    [AutoMergeWorkflow: AutoMergeWorkflow.AutoMergeWorkflow]
    [AutoMergeWF: CreateDocument]
    Entered AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(), Activity Instance Id: 36, Workflow Instance Id: 9f35be36-5c3a-4e2a-a642-b0fd917ac286
    AutoMergeTest.Execute(), Correlation Id: 8330486f-796a-4ce2-b085-10b4c38e56a4, Initiating User: f30d0c9e-1e48-dd11-a1c7-001f29c98458, Operationid:c87fcf3c-1aa9-e311-ac5f-005056905fd7, OperationTime: 12:39:53, RequestId:
    AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(), Start generate DocX v1.3
    AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(), before template
    AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(), generate command
    AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(), PrimaryEntityid:9c31f161-d388-e311-b9c9-005056905fd7
    AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(), PrimaryEntityName:salesorder
    AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(), TemplateId:98554dfa-01a9-e311-ac5f-005056905fd7
    AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(), command: false
Create 9c31f161-d388-e311-b9c9-005056905fd7 salesorderPrimaryEntityLogicalName>98554dfa-01a9-e311-ac5f005056905fd7pdfc87fcf3c-1aa9-e311-ac5f005056905fd7 0AMPluginParameters>
  AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(),RetrieveMultiple Entities.count:0
    Error Message:
    Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.InvalidPluginExecutionException: ERROR
       at AutoMergeWorkflow.AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
       at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
       at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)
    Inner Exception: System.Exception: ERROR NO RESULT
       at AutoMergeWorkflow.AutoMergeWorkflow.Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)


Open your CRM and navigate to the “Solutions”:

Figure 1: Solutions in your CRM

This action will open following window:

Figure 2: All available solutions listed

Next display all installed solutions and search for the “AutoMergeServerCore”-solution.  (See next screenshot)

Figure 3: Select AutoMergeServerCore-solution

Open the “AutoMergeServerCore”-solution with a double-click. Following window opens:

Figure 4: AutoMergeServerConfig

Now click on [Save] and try it again. The problem should be solved now.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

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