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How to send a “Send as PDF” e-Mail

When you follow the guidelines in the AutoMerge Installation Guide, you’ll notice that this email is not sent automatically. To send this email, you have to create another workflow.

Please note that this only works when you have at least AutoMerge v4.65 installed

1. In CRM go to Settings –> Administration

Figure 1: CRM settings


2. Open the ystem settings and open the customization-tab page 

Figure 2: Open the customization-tab

3. Set the prefix to ptm. Please make sure that to remember your old prefix, because you have to change it back after the next few steps. 

4. In CRM go to Settings > Customization and open the Customize Entities

Figure 3: Customize Entities in CRM Settings


5. Open the E-mail entity, click on Attributes and then on the [New]-button to create a new attribute

Figure 4: Create a new email attribute


6. In the so created attribute dialog please fill out the form (please see Figure 5)

Figure 5: Fill out the created attribute dialog

7. Save the attribute and publish the E-mail entity.


8. Set the prefix back to the original. This was changed in step 2 and 3.


9. In CRM, go to Settings > Workflows and create a new workflow.

Enter a name of your choice, but make sure that the entity is E-mail. 

Figure 6: Name the workflow


10. Set the scope to Organization and Start when to Record attributes change. 

Figure 7: Set the scope

11. Below the checkbox Record attributes, click on Select and select the previous created attribute ptm_et. Hereafter, click on the [OK]-button.

Figure 8: Select attributes websitedialog

12. Click on Add Step and select a Check Condition

Figure 9: Add Step

13. You have to create a check condition on the template name which is used by the AutoMerge workflow. Please specify the exact same full path as on the AutoMerge workflow. 

E.g. When you have created a AutoMerge workflow on the template \\srv-alist\DocumentsCorePackTemplates\1084\ you also have to enter this path here

Figure 10: Create check condition

14. Under this new created step create a new Update Record-step and click on Set Properties. 

Figure 11: Click on Set properties 


15. Here, you can modify the email which should be sent. You can set the subject, the content and also additional CC’s if you want to.

Figure 12: Modify the email to be sent

16. Save the dialog and add another step: mscrmaddonsWorkflows > SendEmail

Figure 13: Add another step

After publishing the workflow the emails will be sent automatically.

Figure 14: Publish the workflow

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

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