- Blog


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Hello and welcome to our blog! What can we do for you? Are you looking for further technical information or step-by-step instructions to our products? Or would you like to read the latest news on mscrm-addons? Please feel free to browse our blog for detailed information and to share our posts!

Add Config SiteMap entries manually

This blog article outlines how to manually add SiteMap entries linking to our product config pages. 

After installing our products you normally get an entry for our product entity "Products" and an entry for each of our products linking to its configuration page. By default, these entries can be found in Dynamics 365 under Settings as you can see in the figure below.


In the SiteMap Designer please select the SiteMap entry you want to customize - in this case, ❶ Settings. Next, hit the  [Add]-button and select Group.  



Arrange your Subarea by setting the values below:
 Type = Entity
Entity = Products
Title = Products 

As explained before, please add another Subarea and set the values below:


 Type = Web Ressource 
 URL  = AutoMergeConfig (ptm_AutoMerge/AutoMergeConfig.html)
 Title = DocumentsCorePack
Icon = ptm_Icon32x32_White.png


Now you can see your first product in the MSCRM-ADDONS area - in this case DocumentsCorePack. This process is the same for all our other products. 

Below please find the right values for each product. As Type always please select Web Resource and the Icon value is always the same: Icon = ptm_Icon32x32_White.png

URL  = ptm_attachmentextractor/solutionconfig/SolutionConfig.html
Title = AttachmentExtractor 

URL  = 
Title = ActivityTools

URL  = ptm_groupcalendar/solutionconfig/SolutionConfig.html 
Title = GroupCalendar

URL  = ptm_PowerSearch/html/Config.html
Title = PowerSearch

URL  = ptm_SmartBar/solutionconfig/SolutionConfig2.html 
Title = SmartBar

URL  = ptm_telephoneintegration/solutionconfig/SolutionConfig.html 
Title = TelephoneIntegration

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to


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