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Call recording feature for TelephoneIntegration
TelephoneIntegration Client offers the possibility to record and store phone calls in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM). This article outlines how to use this feature.

SharePoint ErrorMessage: No part of the path in DCP SB Online

This blog article explains what to do when you receive the following error message while saving documents to SharePoint.

DocumentsCorePack failed to generate the document

ERROR:|CHECKLICENSE|SUCCEEDED|new AutoMerge|StartMerge|ErrorMessage:No part of the path

Open/Save Template Error while creating a label template

If you receive the following error when creating a label template in DCP for CRM 2013, your DCP Server Component is very likely not up to date.

How to save document names separately - advanced settings

The settings of DocumentsCorePack now allows you to configure the "Name" and the "Subject" for the "Document Name" separately. Available vor v5.93 and higher.

[Save as DOCX]-button

This  feature offers you the option to save a document directly to the proper location in CRM without having to generate an activity. 
The location depends on the configuration, which is defined within the DocumentsCorePack server configuration tool.

To take adavantage of this new feature you need at least the following version:

 - DocumentsCorePack Client for MS CRM 2011 5.73

CRM entities created during the installation

Each product installs the following entities in CRM:


Save modes of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011

If you hit the [OK]-button on the RecordCounter Server Config first, it will generate and save the fetches and then generate and import the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.

In some cases it will be helpful to only save the fetches or only to import the solution.

This article describes how this can be achieved.

CTI does not resolve phone number

If the calling/called phone number is stored in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, then the number should be resolved to the corresponded CRM record. If the number does not resolve, make sure that the number is stored in the " CTI CallInfos" entity. 

DocumentsCorePack template security settings

In CRM 2011, all DocumentsCorePack templates are stored in custom entities.
The name of this custom entity is DocumentsCorePack Template (ptm_mscrmaddons_dcptemplates).
Every record of this entity has the template attached as a note.

DocumentsCorePack Client save locations
There are three major save locations for files that are used by the DocumentsCorePack Client.