- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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AttachmentExtractor plugin file access behavior
This blog article outlines the AttachmentExtractor plugin file access behavior if your service stops running.

How to save a document to SharePoint with DocumentsCorePack
This blog article outlines how to save a document to SharePoint with DocumentsCorePack.

SharePoint Redirecting
Changing Sharepoint servers with already extracted attachments

AttachmentExtractor Online Scheme
This blog article outlines how the Cloud service structure for AttachmentExtractor works. AttachmentExtractor will retrieve documents from Dynamics 365 instance, move it to an alternative storage location and deliver it back to Dynamics 365 upon user request.

How to specify a DCP SharePoint Save-Location for entities with multiple Save-Locations
This article outlines how to specify a DCP SharePoint Save-Location for entities with multiple Save-Locations

Checkin/checkout issue when uploading documents to SharePoint via DocumentsCorePack
This blog article outlines how to act if you are facing the checkin/checkout issue when uploading documents to SharePoint via DocumentsCorePack.

How to save generated documents to a specified SharePoint URL
In this blog article, you will learn how the DocumentsCorePack ServerBased functionality can be used to save generated documents to a specified SharePoint URL.

How to upload a SharePoint document to an email in a workflow
In this blog article, you will learn how the DocumentsCorePack ServerBased functionality can be used to upload a SharePoint document to an email in a workflow.

SharePoint path limitation avoidance for AttachmentExtractor
SharePoint paths limitations are hard coded. The maximum path length is 260 characters. If that limit is exceeded, you get the SharePoint error 414. This article outlines how to avoid this error.

SharePoint path limitation avoidance for DocumentsCorePack
SharePoint paths limitations are hard coded. The maximum path length is 260 characters. If that limit is exceeded, you get the SharePoint error 414. This article outlines how to avoid this error.