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Access rights issues while starting configuration

On a migrated organization, make sure the dcp/gc/ti security role migrated from CRM 4 is deleted.

This migrated role might interfere with the new setup and block the user from installing, because rights are checked wrongly.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Print in Word General Error in DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011

If you receive the below error message, please make a repair install of Office. This should resolve the issue.

Upgrade from DocumentsCorePack Server v5.5 to a higher version

If you upgrade from DocumentsCorePack (DCP) Server for MS CRM 2011 v5.5 to a higher version, you have to completely remove DocumentsCorePack Server for MS CRM 2011 from your CRM.

Barring DocumentsCorePack Toolbar for non-DCP users

If you want to hide or block the toolbar in MS Word for non-DCP users on a terminalserver, please check the following steps:

1. You will have to create the following Reg key under current user instead of local machine:

    (for example: HKCU\software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\Wordmailmerge.connect)

3. Once you have created the reg key you can change the load behaviour for each user. Change it to

WordMailMerge Add-on Error


Figure 1: Security Issue: WordMailmErge Add-On Error

DocumentsCorePack IFD configuration

When using DocumentsCorePack (DCP) in different environments (office, home, etc.) it is necessary to configure 2 profiles for the client.

One for the IFD connection and one for the standard connection.
These profiles are configured via the DCP dataprovider on the client.

Please open the registry and add the the following string value to
Hkey_Current_User\Software\PTM EDV-Systeme\WordMailMergeClient.

String value= failoverprofile

mscrm-addons – version number guide for CRM 4.0

This article contains a detailed guide on how to find out the version number for each mscrm-addons product in CRM 4.0.

How to change language settings

Location of the Language Settings on the Client & Server

The name of the Language XML File is: .XML

Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB2251419)

Error Message:

(if you try to merge a document)

You are trying to read or write to protected memory, this is a sign that the memory is corrupt.



The reference is not set correctly.

This is caused by the Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB2251419).



You have to delete this security update and the merge will work without any problems.

(Tested on XP with Office 2007)

DCP Client Diagnostic Tool

Falls nach der Installation von DocumentsCorePack die Toolbar nicht angezeigt werden sollte oder aber die Toolbar im Betrieb verschwindet, kann man ein angefügtes Tool zur Diagnose ausführen.