- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Join us at eXtremeCRM 2013 in Rome!

Where will you be 3-6 February, 2013? We will be at the eXtremeCRM 2013 in Rome, Italy as a silver sponsor, presenting our powerful addons to the audience.

How to enable debugging for AutoMerge


Please note: this article applies to CRM Onpremise 2011 2013 2015


This article provides you with a step-by-step instruction on how to enable debugging
for AutoMerge in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Insecure content warning in IE when using FileExplorer with IFD

If you have configured your CRM for IFD and also have enabled our FileExplorer Integration, Internet Explorer (IE) will either not load the FileExplorer or show a message about insecure content.

Figure 1: FileExplorer not visible

Figure 2: Internet Explorer shows insecure content warning

If you run into this problem, please follow the steps below to resolve this issue.

[Save as DOCX]-button

This  feature offers you the option to save a document directly to the proper location in CRM without having to generate an activity. 
The location depends on the configuration, which is defined within the DocumentsCorePack server configuration tool.

To take adavantage of this new feature you need at least the following version:

 - DocumentsCorePack Client for MS CRM 2011 5.73

Advanced template-group filtering

This feature offers the possibility to set a filter for DocumentsCorePack templates.
Templates are filtered based on the template-group they are assigned to.
Applying filter limits, the available templates are grouped in template-groups.
This prevents users from getting confused by a variety of available templates as they can only see and select templates of the corresponding template-group defined by the applied filter.

To take advantage of this feature you need at least both of the following versions:

 - DocumentsCorePack Server for MS CRM 2011 5.36

 - DocumentsCorePack Client for MS CRM 2011 5.73

If/else-conditions in *.docx templates

It is often required to place conditional fields within a template like e.g. only print address lines when stored in the regarding CRM-record.

Execute AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 and 2013 via JavaScript

This article explains how to execute the Create Document-step of AutoMerge manually in JavaScript. This allows to include this functionality in custom - applications (e.g. create documents via a CRM-button-click and save document to SharePoint )

This article covers both:

1) Calling the plugin

2) Handling the result

Attached, you can find the full library for download.

Filter linked entities: .docx templates

It is possible to filter the linked entities of a 1:N and a N:N relationship during the merge process based on their IDs.
This works in combination with DocumentsCorePack and AutoMerge, but only with .docx-templates.

Windows 8 WIF Framework installation (WindowsIdentityFoundation)

Windows 8 has the WIF Framework built in, therefore our installers will fail for now trying to update the WIF on windows 8 clients.

CRM entities created during the installation

Each product installs the following entities in CRM:
