- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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Hello and welcome to our blog! What can we do for you? Are you looking for further technical information or step-by-step instructions to our products? Or would you like to read the latest news on mscrm-addons? Please feel free to browse our blog for detailed information and to share our posts!

How to create a SettingsKey manually in MS Dynamics

Sometimes you may be asked to create a new settingskey for one of our products
(e.g. if we developed a customization for you or if a special configuration is needed, etc.).
To do so, please follow the six easy steps below.

Addons: AutoMerge, DocumentsCorePack, TelephoneIntegration

How to get the unique organization name


   Please note: This article applies to CRM 2013 as well as to CRM 2015/2016


When ordering licenses, you will be asked for the organisation unit name of your CRM system.
This information is mandatory in order to create a license.
Below, you will find a short description on how to get the necessary information for CRM 2013 and CRM 2015/2016.

Additional table formatting options

This article outlines additional formatting options for splitting a tables header or footer.

Requirments: DocumentsCorePack (DCP) for MS CRM 2013, v6.11 and higher. All our addons come with an unlimited 14 days free trial. Please click here to download and test it!

“Insert Computed-Field” - formatting options for number and money-fields

This article outlines the formatting options for number and money-fields within the “Insert Computed-field”-function (.docx).

Requirments: DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2013, v6.11 and higher. All our addons come with an unlimited 14 days free trial. Please click here to download and test it!

DocumentsCorePack: Culture Information

The following table shows the different culture information for displaying the DATETIME() function for DocumentsCorePack templates (.docx).

DocumentsCorePack: Custom Date and Time Format Strings

The following table shows the different custom date and time format strings for displaying the DATETIME() function for DocumentsCorePack templates (.docx).

The “Insert Computed-Field”-button in Open Office XML template (.docx)

This article outlines the new “Insert”-functionalities within the “Computed Items”-button in Open Office XML template (.docx). The “Insert Computed-Fields”-button allows you to make basic arithmetical operations with CRM-number-fields. Important: It is crucial that the CRM-fields contain a number!

Requirements: Available for DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2013, v6.10 and higher. All our addons come with a 14 days free trial! Please click here to download and test it!

The “Insert Advanced String-Field”-button in Open Office XML template (.docx)

This article outlines the Insert Advanced String-Field-functionality within the [Computed Items]-button in Open Office XML template (.docx). This functionality allows to combine multiple fields into a single control. It is available on every selected template type and for every inserted field.

Requirments: Available for DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2 013, v6.10 and higher. 

Additional format and display functions for field-templates (.docx)

This article describes additional format and display functions for DocumentsCorePack field-templates (.docx) v6.10 and higher. These functions are available for every field in the functionalities below listed. 

OrganizationURL provided by DiscoveryService is false

When using our products, the CRM discovery service is contacted to retrieve the service URLs for accessing the CRM WebServices.

In some cases the URL returned by the discovery service is not useable to contact the CRM WebService.