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[Print in Word]-button

The features of the DocumentsCorePack [Print in Word]-button increase the performance and also the usability of our product.

The features allow you to select templates directly with the [Print in Word]-button.

To take adavantage of this feature you need at least the following version:

- DocumentsCorePack Server Version 5.25

- DocumentsCorePack Client Version 5.57


The below desribed methods are part of the ptm_dcp_custombuttonactions.js-web resource. More information on this resource can be found here. The comments and the code for one example of this resource are added below.

Advanced [Print in Word]-Button Configuration

Basically, the default [Print in Word]-button contains JavaScript code in the background.

If you are familiar with CRM and JavaScript you can add your own custom buttons to  increase the usability of your CRM system.

e.g., you can predefine a template that should be always used to perform the merge. 

You can modify the JavaScript code, so that - based on certain criteria - a template is automatically selected without user interaction.

The following article contains a description of how to change, modify and extend this feature.

Gantt Printpreview for GroupCalendar

GroupCalendar version 4.84 offers a print preview of the Gantt View. This requires a small client side installation.

Repair WScript.Shell ActiveX

In some rare cases the WScript.Shell ActiveX component is not correctly registered. This causes, that the DocumentsCorePack Print in Word and TelephoneIntegration Call Number buttons are not working properly. To resolve the issue open a command prompt and enter regsvr32.exe wshom.ocx

That’s it! 

Print in Word General Error in DocumentsCorePack for MS CRM 2011

If you receive the below error message, please make a repair install of Office. This should resolve the issue.