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Kokely Christoph
Kokely Christoph
Kokely Christoph's Blog

Display Issues with ActivityTools pre 5.26 and RU8

As a preparation of the now rescheduled cross browser compatiblity for RU8, older versions of ActivityTools already had preparations built in, which will cause the Activity & Queue preview to fail. Please update to the latest Version to fix this issue.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

Change Default settings for ActivityTool

ActivityTools default user settings can be predefined as follows:

Define the default settings for EmailPreview

Create a new settingskey called DefaultViewEmail as described here. 

CRM entities created during the installation

Each product installs the following entities in CRM:


CTI Client Version expiring when only support expires

This is a known issue with versions previous to 5.28.

Please upgrade to at least this version : to fix the problem.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to

How to add NavBar entries manually

On some occasions, unmanaged customizations to forms might prevent the setup to correctly configure the navbar section of entities.

You would see an error similar to this one, telling about a transition of an unmanaged solution being impossible. 

Figure 1: Error message (unmanaged solution)

Disable ribbon buttons for non-licensed users

Starting with version 5.23 / TI and version 5.19 / DCP in combination with LicenseManager 5.2, the ribbon buttons will be disabled on perUser licensing, if the user is having the acccess flag for the product set to no.

Licensemanager 5.2 creates a new setting, IsPerUserLicense with value true|false when importing a licensekey.

WindowsXP and WIF (WindowsIdentityFoundation)

!! Please note: This only applies to CTI Versions 5.30 and below !! 
!! Since Microsoft has changed the EULA of their WIF SDK we are now allowed to include all required files into our setups !!

All of our client products (Telephone Integration and DocumentsCorePack Client) need the WindowsIdentityFoundation Framework to be able to connect to CRM 2011.

Unfortunately the WIF Framework is not officially supported on WindowsXP by Microsoft, but there are 2 ways to make this work on a WindowsXP OS. 

How to install DocumensCorePack Client unattended

To install DocumentsCorePack Client for MS CRM 2011/2013/2015/2016 unattended, you need to supply a registry file with the required registry settings.

Unattended install is available for DocumentsCorePack Client Version 5.18 and Version 6.5 or above.

Below, you can download templates to perform the unattended install.

The below files are set up for x86 and x64 systems.

Connection dialog retrieves organizations, but refuses to connect

Check the log textbox if the following statement is present (might be accomodated by a 401 exception).

Service Unavailable after error in upgrade process

Receiving a service unavailable response on a website usually indicates, that the application pool of the site is not running.

To solve this issue, open your InternetInformation Management and verify all required app pools are started.