- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
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If/else-conditions in *.docx templates

It is often required to place conditional fields within a template like e.g. only print address lines when stored in the regarding CRM-record.

How to use integrated search in TelephoneIntegration for MS Dynamics CRM 2011

Within the TelephoneIntegration user interface, called balloon, it is possible to search for CRM-records (accounts, contacts, users, etc.) or for telephone numbers. The found records and telephone numbers are displayed within this balloon and users are able to perform outgoing calls immediately simply by clicking on the displayed record. There is no need to explicitly open CRM to start outgoing calls. The menu opened via a right-click on the displayed record offers the possibility to copy the telephone number or to open the record in CRM.

Telephone Integration Client Unattended Setup


The following article outlines, how TelephoneIntegration Client is installed unattended. This enables installing the CTI client via policy or automatic install scripts.

The TelephoneIntegration update service
The TelephoneIntegration (TI) update service retrieves the needed information (determined by the administrator within the CTI-configuration interface) from the CRM system, processes it and provides it for TI. This is essential if you want TelephoneIntegration to operate. The update service e.g. ensures that telephone numbers are provided to perform calls or that information about the caller/called person are provided within the TI User Interface (balloon) for a more efficient call handling, etc.

Execute AutoMerge for MS CRM 2011 and 2013 via JavaScript

This article explains how to execute the Create Document-step of AutoMerge manually in JavaScript. This allows to include this functionality in custom - applications (e.g. create documents via a CRM-button-click and save document to SharePoint )

This article covers both:

1) Calling the plugin

2) Handling the result

Attached, you can find the full library for download.

Filter linked entities: .docx templates

It is possible to filter the linked entities of a 1:N and a N:N relationship during the merge process based on their IDs.
This works in combination with DocumentsCorePack and AutoMerge, but only with .docx-templates.

Windows 8 WIF Framework installation (WindowsIdentityFoundation)

Windows 8 has the WIF Framework built in, therefore our installers will fail for now trying to update the WIF on windows 8 clients.

[Print in Word]-button

The features of the DocumentsCorePack [Print in Word]-button increase the performance and also the usability of our product.

The features allow you to select templates directly with the [Print in Word]-button.

To take adavantage of this feature you need at least the following version:

- DocumentsCorePack Server Version 5.25

- DocumentsCorePack Client Version 5.57

CTI Client Version expiring when only support expires

This is a known issue with versions previous to 5.28.

Please upgrade to at least this version : to fix the problem.

That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to


The below desribed methods are part of the ptm_dcp_custombuttonactions.js-web resource. More information on this resource can be found here. The comments and the code for one example of this resource are added below.