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Advanced [Print in Word]-Button Configuration

Basically, the default [Print in Word]-button contains JavaScript code in the background.

If you are familiar with CRM and JavaScript you can add your own custom buttons to  increase the usability of your CRM system.

e.g., you can predefine a template that should be always used to perform the merge. 

You can modify the JavaScript code, so that - based on certain criteria - a template is automatically selected without user interaction.

The following article contains a description of how to change, modify and extend this feature.

Save modes of RecordCounter for MS CRM 2011

If you hit the [OK]-button on the RecordCounter Server Config first, it will generate and save the fetches and then generate and import the RecordCounterServerConfig-solution.

In some cases it will be helpful to only save the fetches or only to import the solution.

This article describes how this can be achieved.

How to add NavBar entries manually

On some occasions, unmanaged customizations to forms might prevent the setup to correctly configure the navbar section of entities.

You would see an error similar to this one, telling about a transition of an unmanaged solution being impossible. 

Figure 1: Error message (unmanaged solution)

How to enable debugging for the RecordCounter

Please note 

This article only applies to the RecordCounter in Microssoft Dynamics CRM 2011. 


Configuration loading error of AutoMerge

This article outlines what you can do if the AutoMerge Configuration page doesn’t load.

If the AutoMerge solution won’t load, please follow the below instructions.

How to start the TAPI Test Tool

This article describes the two different ways how the TAPI Test Tool can be started. 

CTI does not resolve phone number

If the calling/called phone number is stored in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, then the number should be resolved to the corresponded CRM record. If the number does not resolve, make sure that the number is stored in the " CTI CallInfos" entity. 

Disable ribbon buttons for non-licensed users

Starting with version 5.23 / TI and version 5.19 / DCP in combination with LicenseManager 5.2, the ribbon buttons will be disabled on perUser licensing, if the user is having the acccess flag for the product set to no.

Licensemanager 5.2 creates a new setting, IsPerUserLicense with value true|false when importing a licensekey.

RecordCounter - Plugin Registration Error

If the error message Plugin registration error of PTM Plugins! appears after the installation of RecordCounter, it means that the plugin wasn’t updated successfully. To solve this problem, please follow the instructions of this article.