- Blog


This blog is deprecated since July 2020.The articles below are no longer maintained and might contain outdated information. 
You can find the most acutal and relevenat information in our Knowledge Base at Blog


Hello and welcome to our blog! What can we do for you? Are you looking for further technical information or step-by-step instructions to our products? Or would you like to read the latest news on mscrm-addons? Please feel free to browse our blog for detailed information and to share our posts!

Welcome Microsoft AppSource with us!

With AppSource, Microsoft introduces an innovative marketplace featuring intuitive design!
… and we are proud to be "on-board" from the very start!

Figure 1: Microsoft AppSource start page

How to install your license key

Thank you for using our mscrm-addon!

The following overview was created to support you when it comes to the installation of a new license key. 

How to install a license key - Overview

A valid license key is the key to a smoothly running product. Having an invalid license stops the whole product from working. An invalid license will never have any impact on your CRM, it only limits the addon itself.

Requirements for a new license

To facilitate and to speed up the issuing process of a new license, we kindly ask you to
send us a short e-Mail including answers to the following questions.

Insert a static document subtemplate

The insert as static document button is a very useful functionality if it comes to creating templates in DocumentsCorePack Template Designer. Its functionalitites can be expanded to insert not only static documents, but also subtemplates. In the course of this article,
you will learn how to do so.

First of all, you need to open two templates, but you could also create two totally new ones.
Learn which fields can be added to a template here.

However, you need one for your main entity and one for your subentity. They are the base for all further actions.

Recap: CRMUG European Congress 2016

There are no strangers here; only friends you haven't met yet. 

- William Butler Yeats 

Figure 1: CRMUG Gold sponsorship

Boolean Fields in DocumentsCorePack

With version 7.106 or higher of DocumentsCorePack Client, its users are enabled to use an extended functionality, the so called Boolean Fields. Boolean fields are, for example, all the Do not allow…-fields. 

Pen control for DocumentsCorePack

With the so called visual controls for phones and tablets, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 introduces some new features. Should you like to get more general information about them, please click here.

Recap: eXtremeCRM Warsaw 2016

There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't met yet.

- William Butler Yeats

Figure 1: eXtremeCRM Warsaw

Thank you for joining us at this year’s eXtremeCRM in Warsaw!

Error Message: Solution AutoMergeGlobalButtonTmp failed to import

The error message Solution AutoMergeGlobalButtonTmp Failed To Import

indicates, that the user who is running the current setup process has no rights to access the solution files.