BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//DNNGo_xEvent// X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALNAME:DNNGo_xEvent BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Limited Support hours CATEGORIES:Event CATEGORIES:Global Holiday CREATED:20231024T103339Z DESCRIPTION:Due to the national holiday in Austria we only offer limited su pport from our european office on Thursday 26th October. The US office is available as usual from 9AM - 6PM EST (3PM - 12PM GMT+1). Invoi DTEND:20231027T215959Z DTSTAMP:20240716T081935 DTSTART:20231025T220000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231025T045122Z LOCATION:- SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Limited support from Europe October 26th 2023 UID:5F93F983524DEF3DCA464469D2CF9F3E URL: DBF17E3C1330A/Limited-support-from-Europe-October-26th-2023 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR